Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I have no idea what happened to my blog yesterday - - I just spaced it out and didn't think about posting.  How can I forget things I need to do when I don't have anything to do?
Claire F. came to visit the other day.  I think she is here almost every day for Harold.  I always enjoy visiting with her so much.  We go back a long ways, back when I was a fabricholic, and she sold me yards of material.  Also, I taught  her girls in first grade.
I did some more exploring in the bookshelves in the Heritage Room today.  There are hundreds of books here!  I'm pretty happy to be able to read real books again.
Barrie and Kasey came by this afternoon, and KC brought her "Green Eggs and Ham" book to read to me.  I'm glad she loves to read.
You will have to use your imagination here.  I have a short video of Kasey reading to me, but Blogger won't upload it.


  1. My imagination worked great, it was fun watch KC read.

  2. Green eggs and ham....hmmm remember Heidi trying to read that to the kindergartners? I still can hardly say the title without cracking up!

  3. Hi Duene,

    This Bart Schaneman with the Star-Herald newspaper in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. I'm putting together a story on the Marlatt brothers for the paper. Please contact me if you get this today, Thursday, at 308-632-9056.


