Monday, January 20, 2014


Happy dance for the Broncos!  Tom Brady looked deflated when he left the field.  Made me feel a little sorry for him.  On the other hand,  Seattle doesn't earn any points in my book, after watching the post game interview with Sherman.  I wouldn't feel bad if somebody broke his leg in the Super Bowl.  Low class.
Lenore stopped by this morning, and she fished around under my stove.  She got the lid to the bottle, but we never found the eye drops.  So I went to the drug store this morning and got a new one.  The prescription I got last month was $70.  Today it was $117.  That can't be right!  I've got a lot to learn about prescription medicine, but hopefully, I won't have to have more after this.
Searching for lost things is a little difficult, because I'm not supposed to stoop over or lift heavy things.  But today I moved the trunk in the living room and found a cat toy, some Chapstick, and an eraser. 
I had to look up Miley Cyrus on the Internet, because I didn't know who she was.  After watching a You Tube video, I can see why.  She's almost spooky.
The Standard poodle who moved in an apartment at the other end of the hall isn't happy about being here.  When I got home today, it was lunchtime, and he evidently had been left alone in the apartment.  He was barking and howling.  I can't hear him in my place, but I wouldn't want to be in the apartment next to him.  Maybe he'll calm down.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose you will put your eye drops in a place that Kat can't get at. Or you could throw Kat in with that howling dog, and see who comes out on top. My money would be on Kat.
