Saturday, January 11, 2014


Countdown to cataract surgery for my left eye.  I started the four eye drops a day routine.  My surgery is scheduled for 9:30 AM on Tuesday.  That's a little early when it's a two hour drive from home, but whatever!  We have to make sure we schedule things so we can get our "fix" at the café in Farson.  Which should I have, regular fries, curly fries, or onion rings?  Tough decision.

My windowsill herb garden is not doing so great,  I guess the basil hates it here, and hates me. The little spindly plants are dying off, one by one.  The parsley is not doing too badly, but the cat is eating the chives.

The memory card has been missing more than a month from my Canon Rebel camera.  Evidently Xiao Ling found it when she cleaned, because it was on the table.  Wonder where Kat had it hidden?


  1. For winter in Pinedale, those herbs look great!
    May all go well for you on Tuesday.
