Friday, February 7, 2014


Watching it snow.  Seems like it should be too cold to snow.  But it's really coming down.

I hope the windows in the new apartments are better than these.  These must be double paned, but they are sure cold.  I've GOT to remember to take the herb garden off the window sill at night.  If I don't, the herbs will freeze. 

 I think I'll look for seed for cat grass.  The cat is eating the chives. On the other hand, why bother with cat grass if she likes chives?

I watched the second half of "The Stand" last night.  The movie was pretty good, but didn't do justice to the book, which is my favorite Stephen King novel.  I used to read everything he wrote, but I guess I got my fill.  I haven't read one of his books for a long time now.
I still have two volumes left to watch in the watercolor lessons videos the art group recently bought. 


  1. check out

    Onions, garlic, chives, etc. are toxic to cats.

  2. Yikes! I never knew that. I don't think she eats much, and I will watch her.
