Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Yesterday I glanced up and saw a man's legs walking by my window.  He was walking on top of the ridge of snow that slid off the roof, so I could only see his legs.  He was carrying an axe,
I didn't take long to figure out it was Ken, and see what he was doing.
If you will look back a blog or two, you will see the photos of the huge icicle and lip of overhanging snow I have been watching.  Ken made short work of them with his axe.  I am sure he went around the whole building, knocking snow and ice off the edges of the roof.  Yes, I know that stuff can do damage to the roof and it needed to be done.  But I will miss the icicle.
It's amazing what a little warm weather can do.  The surface of the street has appeared out my door!

There were three pieces of heavy equipment working to clear this street yesterday and haul off the snow.  They had "DEERE" written on the sides of them.  Why are they yellow? Haven't they heard that song "John Deere Green"?  Yellow is for Caterpillar.
Only four days until the start of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race!


  1. All construction, or most construction equipment is painted yellow.
    You can see yellow Case equipment, also Massey Ferguson, along with Deere equipment.;
    When I work for an equipment dealer as a partsman. a part for a construction piece of equipment was about 50% more than the same part for a farm implement. So I would cross reference the numbers and buy the implement part and sell it as a construction part. Just paint it yellow.

  2. Well, that icicle had a good run.

  3. Bob was just asking about the Iditarod and I told him you hadn't posted anything yet. Now you have, he'll be pleased. He likes to keep up on it.
