Saturday, February 1, 2014


I just was reading about Demaryius Thomas, a receiver for the Broncos.  Both his mother and grandmother are in prison for drug charges.  When interviewed, he said he knew they would be able to see the game on TV in prison, and he was glad they would be watching him play.  What a class act!  I'm rooting for you, Demaryius!

I have to agree with Maxine.  The new commercial, featuring a cute puppy, has gone viral and is all over the Internet.

I am in the process of putting fresh paint in the palette I cleaned up earlier this week.  In spite of the fact I have hundreds of tubes of watercolor paint, I seem to be missing some favorite colors.  Maybe I'll just have to learn to get along without them. 

The new apartments are looking good.  I think they are doing a lot of work on the inside now.
In the center of this photo is a gigantic icicle where it has formed in a corner of the building.  It looks like it has reached the ground, and is bigger around than the quakie tree in the foreground.  The sun shines on the roof there, but does not reach into that northeast corner.


  1. Very interesting - glad to see a picture of the new apartments. It was bare ground when we left. Sure doesn't seem like it is big enough for the number of apts in the current building.
    Glad you told us what to look for in the last pic. That is one honkin' icicle!
    The Clydedales are Tops in my book too, Sylvia.

  2. There are more apartments along the street on the right side of the photo - facing Faler St.

    and your question yesterday, Judi. Yes, Nancy was in the hospital.
