Saturday, February 15, 2014


Do we really need this? Another 5 or 6 inches? 

 I think this guy votes "No".
I'm thinking this could lead to some serious cabin fever before long.  There's plenty of snow on the roof left to slide off, but for now, I can still see out the window.

Why am I complaining?  Dru and Tawny, who live up Horse Creek, took this picture this morning at their ranch.  They said they got the horses fed, but not the birds.


  1. Oh yes...we'll take all we can get.

  2. Those pictures are lovely to look at. They make me so happy to be where I am for now.

  3. I was looking out my window on Friday and thought, "Man we sure have gotten a lot of snow this year.
    But now I don't feel bad, we only have about 2 feet on the level. But the 7 foot fence in my back yard has had snow drifted over the top for well over a week. It had self packed down about a foot before the last snow, but it is over the top again.
