Sunday, February 9, 2014


Barrie and Kasey started out to the dog lot on a snow machine yesterday to feed.  They ended up turning around and coming home, so the dogs weren't fed yesterday.  She said she couldn't find the trail into the dog lot, and because she had KC with her, she decided to wait until this morning and hope she would have better visibility.

I fixed shrimp and cheese grits for us last night.   Seems like cheese grits are a popular side dish with shrimp.  What I made was baked in the oven, so it wasn't soupy.  I cut it into squares.

The jury is still out on the grits.  KC didn't like them, Barrie ate hers.  I put butter and salt on mine, and it tasted okay.  Of course, I'll eat just about anything if it's got lots of butter and salt on it.  During the meal, Kasey asked us to pass the salt, and she salted her bread and butter.   Hmmm?  She must be related to me.

Barrie brought KC by this morning.  She decided she didn't need a 6 year old kid on the snow machine with her while she attempted to get in the dog lot.  Her dad was going with her today, too. 

The first thing KC did was go find her sketch pad and some colored pencils.  I had started a drawing of her wearing her hat and had it out on the table.

And this is what she drew.  I bet it's better than mine will be!  I'm kind of sad she now spells "Grandma" correctly.  I liked the way she used to spell it, "Gerama".


  1. I always knew Barrie was one smart cookie. Thank goodness she turned around with Kasey and that Charlie went with her today.

  2. That drawing is adorable! My first smile of the morning.
