Friday, April 4, 2014


I think ten years from now, I will be in a bed down the hall in the nursing wing, still knitting on this sweater I started yesterday.  What was I thinking?

Actually, I have knit many sweaters and socks, so I know it can be done.  I just don't remember it being so slow.

I made a big pan of lasagna yesterday.  It was good!  But I will be eating it for six months.  I saved some for Barrie and KC to take home the next time they are here.  Today, I have a batch of spaghetti sauce in the crockpot.
I don't even drink wine, but there are sure a lot of good jokes about it.  I used to drink wine, but have somehow lost my taste for it.  An old friend from my wine drinking days claimed wine made her elbows hurt!
My friend Vicky and her husband have a home in the Dominican Republic, and have been there for the last month or so. She recently fell on the path on her way to the beach, and broke a bone in her wrist.  Bummer!  They are getting ready to head back to Wyoming soon.
 I took this photo of the moon last April.  Used a 400 ml lens and the camera mounted on a tripod. 
I'm not enthused about it, but I am on my way down the hall to ride the bike for a while.  I know it's good for me, but it's a bother.  I take my Kindle reader with me, which helps.



  1. I'll bet there are lots of people in your wing who don't like to cook & would love to have your extra food.

    There's nothing like jumping in with both feet. A sweater! It couldn't be something mindless & simple like little afghan squares?

    I am glad to read about how active you are with the cooking painting, knitting, babysitting and biking. I admire you for all that!

  2. Poor Vicki...I didn't know.
    I wish I cooked like you.
