Friday, April 25, 2014


The political meeting yesterday afternoon was interesting.  First,  chairs were arranged in a semi-circle.  There were no tables, and the people there could not handle a small plate and a cup of lemonade.  Only three or so people had refreshments, and they put their plates on the seat of their walkers in front of them. 

Also, very few people are able to hear well enough to know what is going on.  Most of them were quiet, but some asked questions that had nothing to do with what was being talked about. Mike Kudor was very patient with them, and handled it well. 

I wish Cliven Bundy had just gone back to his ranch to take care of his cattle.  He has made remarks that are alienating  many, and he should just keep his mouth shut and stay away from the media. 
I have worked a little more on the barn wood in my painting.  I think it's time to work on the lantern.

Words to the Wise!

1 comment:

  1. Like the barnwood.
    You're sure right about Cliven. Why on earth he even started talking about North Vegas people sitting in their doorways with nothing to do, is beyond understanding.
