Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Monday AND Tuesday

Another bright sunny day, and the piles of snow just keep shrinking.  Won't be long now until we have  mosquitoes!!

I think I have ruined this day.  I woke up full of ambition, planned to work on the colored pencil drawing, maybe finish it, and work on a watercolor.  Instead of that, I made French toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs.  Whoa!  That was overkill.  Now all I feel like doing is sit on the couch and read.
And now it's Tuesday.  My movie "Spirit of the Wind" came yesterday.  What a great movie.  It's about an Athabascan Indian in Alaska, George Attla.  He became one of the most winning mushers in the world, and won the Anchorage Fur Rondy for many years.  He had tuberculosis as a child, spent seven years in a government hospital, and his right knee was fused, so he had limited use of that leg. 

I never knew he ran in the first Iditarod, and placed 5th.  He preferred sprint racing, and never entered the Iditarod again.
 It was filmed in Alaska, and most of the cast was made up of locals, some of them related to Attla.  Two famous actors, Slim Pickins and Chief Dan George played prominent parts.

Beautiful scenery, wonderful dogs, good music, and a great story.  I especially enjoyed seeing the family setting up their camp and fishing for salmon with a net and a fish wheel in the river.  They caught salmon for themselves, but depended on the fish to feed their dogs through the winter.

The mother was cleaning fish with an ulu knife.  I have one, and use it a lot, but I sure can't handle it the way she did.

I have a sour cream raisin pie in the oven, from my grandmother's recipe.  My grandmother used to bake it for all the holiday dinners for my brother and me, because we were the only two who really liked it.  This one won't be as good, though, because I don't have any nutmeg or cloves.  How did that happen?


Happy April Fool!

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