Saturday, April 12, 2014


The weather forecast is for 60% chance of snow tomorrow.  I don't mind spring snows.  We know it will melt quickly, and it probably won't be very cold. 


The situation in Nevada involving a rancher and the Government is downright scary.  Too many crazies are beginning to gather.

If I worked for the BLM, I think I would be looking for a new job!  Working for the government doesn't sound too appealing right now.  Are they armed with rubber bullets?  like the Forest Service "Swat Team" who went in the camp of the Rainbows when they were here.

On the other hand, Bundy sounds like a bit of an outlaw.


Someone needs to kick me!  I love this self-striping sock yarn.  I have made several pairs of socks with it.  I just recently ordered some yarn to make another pair.  Of course I gave away all the dp needles I had, so had to buy new ones. 

Poor people in Jackson who had to evacuate their homes and businesses because  a hill is coming down.  And if it rains and snows more this weekend, the soil will be even more unstable.

I wonder if this is from a test my friend Rollie gave to his students.  I hope this kid got an A. There's no way you can say his answer is wrong.

A little color in my life!  My Christmas cactus has seven blooms on one side.  I think they are all on the same branch. 


  1. How lucky are we! A snowbank photo for me yesterday & a LOL for Rollie today.
    The BLM has given back the cattle - you should have seen the videos of them all but galloping back to the river. The cows, not the BLM Rangers. The BLM is leaving.
    Cliven Bundy is a good man. Steady, stubborn, patriotic & old-school.

  2. Funny! Funny! Funny! When I was teaching geometry in MN I gave a quiz on Theorems we had studied. Kids had to memorize them in those days. On the quiz I asked them to list 5 theorems. One boy paper had Theorem 1, Theorem 2, .....Theorem 5. I gave him credit because he did what I asked. But I also told him, "Mike don't try that again". LOL

  3. What is with the Christmas cactus this year Hardly any bloomed at Christmas time this year. I know my daughter's cactus is just blooming mow also.
