Saturday, April 19, 2014


Barrie and KC have good noses.  I baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and sure enough, they showed up not long afterwards!  They took a bag home.  Kasey was on  her bike, and Barrie was walking two dogs.

I think my mixer became possessed yesterday.  I couldn't get it unplugged, no matter how hard I pulled.  I finally braced myself and got it, but I was half way expecting to see a ball of flame or something.  I tried plugging and unplugging my toaster from that outlet, with no problems.  I half way attempted to try the mixer again, but it resisted sliding in, and I quit.

That mixer must be close to 20 years old.  I bought it for $10 when I was teaching, and used it at school.   I brought it home when I retired.  So I guess I got my money's worth out of it, and will start shopping for a new one.

This ball of snow is certainly suffering a long, lingering death.  It gets a little smaller each day.

There is so much crap in the news it's usually depressing to read.  But I read this morning about an elderly couple who had been married for 70 years, and they died within 15 hours of each other.  They had eight children, who were interviewed for the story.  For once, a feel-good news story.


  1. I can't figure out where that snowball is. Can you take a more distant photo?

  2. You did a good thing, by not plugging the mixer back. It would have been a real headache if when you wanted to unplug it and broke the outlet. Try explaining that to the manager,
    "Well I knew it didn't work, but I had to try it anyway"

  3. I don't think that is a ball of snow....I think that is a bag of sand. :)
