Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I'm listening to Ian Tyson's song "The Gift".  It's a song about Charlie Russell, the artist from Montana.   It's just a stupendous song, and gives me chills when I listen to it.  Somewhere in the lyrics, he sings that God put Charlie in charge of painting the sunsets in Montana.

Here is the verse:

"God made Montana for the wild man,
For the Piegan and the Sioux and Crow,
Saved His greatest gift for Charlie,
Said, “Get her all down before she goes.
You gotta get her all down
‘cause she’s bound to go.”

Paul Simon has always been a favorite singer of mine.  Just read in the news that police were called to his home and issued a warrant to both him and his wife for a domestic dispute. 

 Grizzly 399 is out with two yearling cubs with her.  I think she is about 18 years old and usually produces triplets.  She has a Facebook page!  
I just read an interesting editorial in the Casper paper regarding Cliven Bundy. 
Editorial board: Dismiss Cliven Bundy for what he is --
a guy trying to dodge a bill
The article itself wasn't quite as strong as the title suggests, as the writer didn't support the government, either.  Nor the armed protesters who gathered in support of Bundy. 
Here is the link to the editorial, if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mr. Bundy....Here is the thing, I think he is completely wrong for not paying his grazing fees for all those years. BUT...I don't think the BLM was right either. I don't know how they tried to collect over the years, but to bring in the armory to remove his cows was too much. There had to be a better way to resolve the issue. And his statements about slavery were way over the top!! Crazy!

    Ok, I'm done now. :)
