Wednesday, April 16, 2014


A rip snortin' blizzard blew through about 8:00 last night.  It didn't last long, but managed to plaster everything with snow, and the temperature dropped.

This would be easy to sweep off, but it is ice.  I decided not to tackle it, and will miss art group today.  Yes, I know I'm lazy and shiftless, but it will be melted in a couple days. 

I know my snow bird friends are glad they're not here, but you just can't beat the view out my window this morning. The sun is shining, and everything is sparkling.

I missed the eclipse of the moon, but here is a photo I took of the eclipse in 2007.  That was in the middle of my "serious photography" phase.
I am "analyzing" the color pencil drawing I did of Kasey.  I am drawing grid lines on a print of the drawing and of the original photo, trying to figure out the placement of her features.  Somehow, I've got it wrong.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, the snow is beautiful. I agree with you about scrapping the ice off your truck. Wait. It'll melt.
