Friday, May 16, 2014


I had a rough night last night.  Somehow, I ended up in a classroom, and the kids were not behaving.  And the classroom was flooding.  And a pit bull had my hand in its mouth and wouldn't let go.  Where does the stuff in dreams come from, anyway?  I don't usually dream, and if I do, I forget them by the time I'm awake.

When you don't even own a broom or dustpan, it's not easy to clean up a couple of cups of sunflower seed meats spilled on the kitchen floor.  Those things sure scatter!  I brought the broom in from the outside door close to my apartment, and have used a piece of newspaper to try to capture them.  I hate to waste them, but I guess I'll put them on the ground outside my window.  Some birds will probably find them.
I'm baking my second loaf of bread for the day.  The first one was white bread, and this one has sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and wheat flour. 
Yes, I was sociable and went to the little discussion group yesterday.    A new resident was there and  dominated the conversation.  He "impressed" us with his knowledge of Indians - on and on, and on.  He was two of the most boring people I have ever known! 
Food for thought!
So, is California Chrome going to win the Preakness tomorrow?  I have a gut feeling he won't do it, but what do I know?

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