Sunday, May 25, 2014


Just finished watching the Indy 500.  I am not really that much of a NASCAR fan, but enjoyed watching this.  I don't think I've ever seen them completely stop the race for a time because of a wreck.  It made for an exciting final 8 laps.

I was kind of rooting for Marcus Andretti.

Pinedale had connections to the Indy at one time.  The owners of the Speedway once owned the Circle S Ranch up the Green, and Don B.  lived there as a caretaker.  Maybe he is still here.  He also drove a pace car.
And Leroy N. moved here and stayed until his death.  He was a race car driver, and also drove the pace car at the Indy.
And if you remember Gracie Jones, she was married to Parnelli Jones. He won the Indy 500 in 1963.

I got in a couple hours knitting this morning while the race was on.  I can knit while I watch.  If I miss something exciting, they show it over again!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to remember people who were here. Yes, remember Leroy. And...She's still around, isn't she? Fang?
    Graci had a yard sale once & there was a box of junk with checkbooks imprinted with Parnelli Jones on them. I assumed they were NOT for sale.
