Monday, June 30, 2014


When I turned the water on in the kitchen sink yesterday, the sprayer blasted me in the face.  I fiddled with it and even tried WD40, but it was stuck open.  Ken came in this morning, and replaced it with a new one.

I looked out this morning to see a big swallowtail butterfly feeding at the humming bird feeder.  Wish I had been quick enough to get a picture of it.  Kasey brought the feeder in later, we washed it and filled it with a fresh solution.  After she took it back out, a humming bird came to feed.  I might get hummingbirds yet this summer.
A very lazy day, all I have done is read.  I went through my files and found two pictures I took during the month of July in years past, and decided to use them on my blog just to make it a little more interesting.
 Sunset one July evening from my yard.

This is the only good photo I ever got of the Moulton Barn on Mormon Row.  But now that I look at it, I realize it had to have been taken in the fall. 

1 comment:

  1. I am 2 days behind! That's what happens when Darin is around. Having too much fun to get to the computer.
    Thank you for the Snow-On-The-Mtn photo. For some reason I've never heard of it. I should grow it in our bare yard.
    We have 3 balloons that the girls blew up a year ago and they are still inflated. They even wintered over. Don't give up on Mr Joyful.
