Saturday, June 14, 2014


Just because I got my fan out yesterday and set it up, the National Weather Service is predicting a freeze.  It was cold in here this morning, and I closed the window and turned the heat on for a while.

Okay, Grandma and Kasey make a lethal combination in the kitchen.  Kasey told her mom "I think maybe we measured wrong."
And if you're thinking about making "hard boiled" eggs in muffin tins in the oven like the idea I posted a couple days ago, DON'T!  Kasey and I put four eggs in the oven.  I don't think I'll ever get them peeled.  I think the person who originally posted that idea on the Internet did it as an April Fool joke.
I put fresh sugar water in the hummingbird feeder yesterday.  So far, no signs of any birds except for one that just stopped briefly on her way through.  There is one little ant on it this morning.  That's a good sign, I guess.
The butterfly house arrived yesterday.  It is nice, good sized, and will collapse when not in use.  I should have remembered from when I had one in the classroom that you have to send in a coupon for the caterpillars.  Well, the coupon included said it would cost $9.50 for 5 caterpillars, of which 3 are guaranteed to live.  And it takes two to four weeks for delivery.  I know I didn't pay extra for caterpillars when I raised them before.
So - I went a different route, found a different supplier for the caterpillars, and have them ordered.  This damned project had better be successful!  If not, all we have is a cute little laundry hamper.

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