Sunday, July 6, 2014


The first Painted Lady butterfly isn't doing very well.  Its wings don't seem to be formed right, and it's not stretching them out or trying to fly.  The second one, who emerged today, has large, straight wings.  I've seen them stretched out, but he hasn't tried to fly yet.  I have their sugar water feeder in the bottom of their "house", and just put a stem of blooming lupine in with them.  The bees seem to like the lupine, so I figure a butterfly will too.  The directions that came with them said they probably won't eat for the first two days.

And I just refilled the humming bird feeder with fresh sugar water.  There are at least two humming birds using it.  There is a little red headed finch who comes in once in a while and tries to drink from it.

Spam!  Yes, Spam.  I bought some on a whim some time ago and had fried spam and eggs this morning.  It wasn't bad at all.  I think I could develop a taste for Spam.
Not long ago I took a picture of a woman who lives here who takes her dog for a walk while she is in her electric chair.  Today, a woman who lives down the hall had her little dog out for  walk.  But she was walking and had the dog in a baby stroller.  What the?  She talks to her dog with baby talk and refers to herself as "Mommy".  If I ever start treating my cat that way, will someone please hit me in the head?
I started working on a pen and ink drawing of a bull moose.  I am using a Micron pen, and the nib is fine enough that it is working for me.  I only have one of those pens, and it is old.  So of course I have to order a couple new ones!
Those of you who know me know how I am about buying new art supplies and goodies.  Some women buy shoes.  I buy pen, pencils, paper and paint!




  1. Some people are pretty attached to their animals.
    I like your chicken quote.

  2. I buy books! AND...pens, pencils, paper, paint....Oh, and brushes. ♥♥

    Has Kasey seen her flutterbies yet?
