Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I forgot to mention the cost of the prescription pain pills I got yesterday.  When the woman at the drug store told me the price, I asked her to repeat it, because I didn't think I heard her right.  They were $2.78.  I'm thinking that's cheaper than Tylenol. 

She told me they might make me drowsy.  That's an understatement.  I took two naps yesterday afternoon.  They also made me thirsty.  I bet I drank six or seven full glasses of water yesterday.

Oh yeah - and my back feels better.

We had a great rainstorm and an impressive lightning display last night. It didn't last long, but was beautiful.

Kasey and I were working on the jigsaw puzzle when a woman from down the hall came out with a Rice Krispie and asked if KC could have it.  It was on a napkin and was sticking to it.  I told Kasey to come down to the apartment and get a paper plate.  She came right back and said to me, "Grandma, will you describe to me exactly the location of the paper plates?" 
Where the heck did that child learn to talk?  She doesn't always talk like that, and it surprises the heck out of me when she does.



  1. Glad you are better.
    That is an awesome lightening photo.

  2. Wow, great lightning picture, Duene!

  3. Yes, WOW! What a picture. I didn't even know we had a storm last night. Fast asleep.
    Those pain pills do cause 'other' problems.
