Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I almost didn't make it to art group today.  When I pushed the snooze button this morning, I accidently turned the radio on.  I got it turned off, but somehow changed the time for the alarm, and didn't wake up until 8:30.  And Kasey isn't here today to keep me on the ball!

Robyn called me last night and I assured her I would have her pencil drawing finished by noon today. I'm pretty pleased with it.  I think antelope are kind of ugly, but they are my favorite animal to draw.  Robyn liked it when she picked it up.

 This is Betty's fish, in watercolor.  Isn't it great?

 And this is Vicky's beautiful palm tree.  I love the colors in this one.

I screwed up badly with these pictures.  I took pictures of all four of Vicky's paintings, then came home and cropped them out of the image, forgetting to make a duplicate first before I saved. Therefore - - - I've lost two of the photos. 

So next week, I'll post pictures of the other two paintings.

My new wireless printer came today, and I haven't even opened the box yet.  I doubt if it will be hard to set up, but I like to do things like that in the mornings, while my mind is still high on caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful pieces of artwork. I didn't even notice that fish - guess it was on the wall behind me. Betty is so colorful!
