Sunday, September 21, 2014


Tracy took me to Cocso yesterday, put me in an electric chair, and we shopped!  I now have an iPhone 5 and am trying to figure it out.  It helps to have some experience with the iPad, but it is confusing.  Having fun, and Tracy is so good with technical stuff.

The electric chair was quite an experience.  I didn't run over anyone, and had a few near misses on the corners.

After Cocso, we went for a drive.  The colors in Colorado are "peaking" and Tracy and I definitely "peaked." A beautiful drive!

This is Gilman, Co.  It is an abandoned mining town.  I guess the company just came into town one night and moved everyone out, even leaving their dishes on the table.  The town was abandoned in 1984 because of toxic chemicals.  It is currently a ghost town on private property and is strictly off limits to the public.

There are the abandoned houses of Gilmore.  There are cars still left in garages, toys, clothes, etc.  Kind of spooky. 

This is the bridge over the highway into Redstone.

When I saw the main street of little Redstone, I told Tracy I wanted to buy the town and just live there!


  1. Nice visit this morning..You photos are neat.

  2. Some great gold colors and finally some real nice reds.
    Great photos, thank you.

    Yes that would be spooky, almost like the people just vanished.

    So you didn't run out of batteries in you cart.

  3. I'm not taking anymore tree pictures! You win....Hands down!

    Glad you could not only get a fancy smart phone, but have your own person tech!

    I like Redstone too. Someday Gilmore could be a museum, just like Virginia City, MT

  4. I am so happy you are blogging again! I love your blog! Great fall pics...beautiful. :)
