Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I was up really early again this morning.  Slept like a log and hardly moved all night.  So glad I am sleeping well.

Today a physical therapist will be here, then Tracy will be here to take me for the radiology treatment.  And make me eat, and eat, and eat.

In the meantime, I really have accomplished something - made some corrections on a couple of knitting projects.  That's always a hassle.  I am expecting some new yarn in the mail soon.  Yippee!  Spent time looking for my fingernail clippers, and didn't find them.  I am told I will lose my hair, so why are my fingernails growing like crazy?  I did order a new remote for the Bose docking station for my XM radio and IPod.  It was easy to find online, and cheap.  A lot of people must lose them!

Rainy, foggy day.  I know Pinedale is sick of rain, but it is sure pretty here.

I sneaked this picture of my pickup on Sublette for Sale this morning with Barrie's name and phone number.  I'm hoping people will bug her and she will get it sold for me!  I've changed my mode of transportation for a walker.  And it's red too!  I think I'll call it "Pappy" (short for Paprika)?  Why do we name things?



  1. Good to see your post this morning. Sounds like you are feeling pretty good, which I like a lot.
    Also like paprika. Pat Jackson attatched her license plate to her walked. I loved that.

  2. I just got the card back I mailed you. Let me know when there's an address you get mail with, ok? I'll resend it then, and maybe even another. :)

  3. Only you would think of a name like "Paprika" for a pick-up! Cute name.
