Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Another beautiful day in Colorado.  This place grows on you!

Tracy was up in the middle of the night again to check on me.  What am I going to do with her?  She is such a light sleeper.  Sometimes I am up in the middle of the night reading, or knitting.  It's not that I am lying awake worrying about anything.  Far from it!  It's just that the couch is so comfortable, I am comfortable, and just feel like reading, or knitting.

Also planning on how to get my drawing and painting area set up.

I told Tracy I DID need her last night.  I was almost to order some new yarn, and saved myself just in time.  But I may change my mind and order it anyway. 

I am having lots of problems with Amazon.  It seems some of my orders are being shipped FedEx and those people can't get their act together and my orders are being sent to the post office box in Pinedale, and end up at Sublette Center.  UPS is getting my goodies here just fine.  I need to get that straightened out soon.

I actually texted Barrie this morning!  I'm learning.  But my fingers are too fat! Love the new phone!

I promised myself about thirty years ago I would never get another flu shot, but I got one yesterday.  No ill effects, and I even forgot which arm it was in.


  1. can relate to the mail/delivery still having challenges between WY and AZ...just sent you a text!

  2. I do not understand why Amazon can not tell you HOW your order is being shipped. It really does make a difference to those of us with PO Boxes. We finally changed our address to physical & then "Box...." and it seems to satisfy UPS, FedEx & USPS. I just can not put the PO in front of Box.

  3. Have rarely had good service with FedEx. Ordered paints for the mural and the delivery guy left them at the neighbor's. Did all manner of searches with Dick Blick and FedEx. Meanwhile, the paints sat out in the rain as the neighbor wasn't home. That is only one example. Grrr.
