Wednesday, October 15, 2014


A couple of weeks ago, I rode to Glenwood Springs with Tracy and Paul for her to exchange some curtains.  Ever since then, I have had an ad for Glenwood Springs Ford at the top of my blog page.  How does it do that?

And there has been an ad for the hotel for the place we ate lunch.  Boy, Big Brother really does watch you!!

I am not strong enough to continue with the chemo.  That is why they had stopped it.  I still have six daily raidiology treatmets left.  We'll keep you posted.


  1. Sorry to hear that.
    But yes, please keep us posted.
    Still looking forward to that selfie with the orange hat.

  2. I can't imagine what you are going through, Duene. But, I do know you are doing it with a positive attitude. And, with lots of people praying for you.
    We will all keep sending our love.

  3. Judi said it. We're all praying for you. And love you.

  4. Exactly what Judi and Gina said...prayers going your way and bunches of LOVE!!!

  5. When treatment becomes worse than the disease it is time to call it quites. Seek options that will give you the most freedom from pain as well as quality of life
    Give it everything you've got and be proud of yourself. Love hugs & prayers. Claire
