Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Jan 12

I've enjoyed having this room all to myself since they moved Lori out.  A couple days ago, they brought a new patient in and  put her in the room across the hall.  She is a screamer, and within an hour, the other woman in the room had moved into this room.  We even close our door at night to cut down on the noise.  Hope she gets used to the place and quiets down.

Anyway,  I have a roommate, and she is very nice.  She likes the curtains open, the blinds open, and we have the same tastes in TV.

I have an appointment tomorrow at Shaw. They want to check on my progress and determine what the next steps will be.  Hope it all goes well.

I don't have any photos, but Barrie sent me a couple of her and Kasey going out to the dog lot to feed.


and one of Grandpa teaching Kasey to shoot her new bow and arrow.


  1. So great to read your post, Duene!

  2. That photo of Barrie & Kasey just melts my heart.

    Always glad to hear your cheerful 'voice'.

  3. And a good morning to you, Duene! I sure miss you're daily posts! It's awesome when you come on! Have a good one...

  4. This sounds positive. Hope the screamer quiets down...that would be miserable for everyone. So good to see this.

  5. What did you find out at your appointment?
