Saturday, July 12, 2008

Doesn't Feel Like Summer - July 12

I have been sleeping covered with just a sheet, but in the middle of the night, I felt cold and pulled the blankets up. When I checked my little weather station, I found it got down to 35 degrees here last night. I had every window open. No wonder I got cold!

I finally saw a hummingbird in the yard this morning. I have had my feeders up so long that I took them down and put fresh sugar water in them. Seems like lots of hummers should be here, fighting over the feeders, but they are late this year. At least they are late coming to my house.

Click on photos to see a larger image.
I don't usually get up very early, or at least I try not to. Even after being retired for several years, sleeping in is a luxury. But I got up early one morning last fall and drove up to the lake and got this picture of sunrise over the lake. This is a genuine photograph, no tricks.

This is a small 6" x 10" watercolor I did a couple months ago using a limited palette of three colors. I had never attempted to paint using just three colors before, and thought it was a great experience. I need to do it more often. I also need to brush up on the anatomy of a fish!


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