Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday, August 16

I am still trying to organize my photos on my hard drive, a never-ending job! I found a couple of fun pictures I thought I would post today.

Click on photos for a larger image.
While messing around with the camera and experimenting with different settings for photographing the moon, I was surprised to see there really IS a man in the moon! Can you see the face?

I was setting up a still life for some assignment for a photo scavenger hunt. I have an ulu knife from Alaska with a moose etched on it. When I looked at this picture, it appears that the moose is eating the parsley.

When I took a drive to see the White Mountain herd of wild horses, I was so impressed with the beautiful view from the top of White Mountain. The Interstate and railroad are below the bottom of the picture and Green River is a short disance to the right. I put my camera on a tripod and took about 5 photos, then "stitched" them together to make a panorama.


Gary brought Kasey yesterday afternoon, and she was so busy exploring - my upstairs room this time. Lots of interesting things up there, and she also enjoyed the toys Judi sent home with me. She just gets cuter and cuter. She is very aware of how cute she is, and is a show off!

I made meatloaf, baked potatoes, corn, and garlic bread, and they stayed to eat. I had an old wooden high chair that had been in the basement when I first moved into this house 40 years ago or so. I doesn't have a tray, but I pushed it up to the table and Kasey dined in style!

The skunk was on the front porch again when they left. He must be a daily visitor, eating cat food and getting ready to hibernate. I think I'll just leave him alone. It will soon be winter and he hopefully will find a place to hole up. And hopefully under the neighbor's house, not mine. With a basement, there isn't a place he can get under.

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