Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Day at the Lake

I got up to Paul and Tracy's campsite just in time for breakfast this morning. Paul was fixing bacon and eggs, potato patties, and bagels. He's a good cook. We went out in the boat later and stayed until afternoon.

Click in images for a larger view.
This is Miley, the dog Paul and Tracy are baby-sitting. She is a nine-month old Burmese Mountain dog, very sweet. She doesn't swim, so Paul put their dog life jacket on her, and got her to go fetch a ball . She was having a very good time until we decided to try it without the life jacket. That took away her self confidence - she kind of sank. Then she didn't want to swim any more.

We saw this scene at a couple of osprey nests this afternoon. The young are exercising their wings. So I guess they will be flying soon. This one would lift up off the nest a couple of feet, and hover there for a while, then drop back down.

I loved the tree this nest is in. One of the young ones was exercising his wings while we watched. It wasn't until I loaded this photo on the computer that I notice there are three osprey in the nest!

I didn't even take my big camera and telephoto lens with me . This was taken with my little compact Canon with a 3x zoom. Lynn is thinking about buying a camera with a 12x zoom, so she should get some great pictures with that.


This is a picture I took at the lake last summer with my big DSLR and telephoto lens. It is wonderful for wildlife photography, but I have to admit the little compact is so much easier to pack around.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful pictures. We also saw the same things when we took a boat out a month or so ago - the young ones weren't so big, But the photo of the one with the stick is just beautiful.
    Keep reminding me why I want the new camera!!
    Love, Lynn
