Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last Day at the Lake

Paul and Tracy left for Colorado early this morning. They had to pack up all their stuff, retreive the boat trailer from the lower boat dock, and load the boat on the trailer. They each have their "job". Paul drives the boat up to the dock, and Tracy backs the trailer down. They make an efficient "captain and first mate". It was so much fun to have them here, as always.

I hate to have my picture taken, let alone let anyone see it, but here I am with Kasey, in the screen tent at the lake

She looks much happier when Tracy is holding her. Or maybe I am just a better photographer than Gary.


I didn't accomplish a thing at the art group meeting this morning. It was just nice to be there and visit with everyone.

Judi brought me some little toys for Kasey. She is so thoughtful. When I left, my friend Dee was "bowling" on the Wii with some others. She took something away from her grandson, and he started to cry. I held out the bag of toys to him, he reached in and chose one, and was happy. I know Judi won't mind that we shared.

Donna and Terry spent time looking through the photo album Judi has put together for Rendezous Pointe. It is so interesting, and she even had Vicky's daughter's wedding pictures in it already.

Yesterday was Judi's birthday!! I want to add my best wishes to all the others. She certainly has a wonderful family, and they all made sure her day was special.

It was also Cat's birthday. Cat and Tracy have been friends since school days, and Cat saw on my blog that Paul and Tracy were here. She left a message on my answering machine with her phone number, Tracy called her, and Cat drove up to the lake to have breakfast with them yesterday morning.

In years past, the cell phone reception has not been that great up at the lake. This year, it seemed to be perfect. Paul was able to contact his office in Colorado, and the owner of Miley (the dog) called from an airport in Boston. I think there has been a big increase in tower construction because of the gas development.


1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine you not liking to have your picture taken. You have such a beautiful smile. Really looks like you were having a wonderful time.

