Saturday, October 25, 2008


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Years ago, the school purchased a bunch of roller skates and kids (and adults) roller skated in the gym at the old elementary school. Here is Tracy helping Barrie begin to roller skate. Barrie is wearing a shirt I made from a photograph of her with a screen printing kit. We have no idea where she got those pants! Aren't they something? Barrie says they look like disco pants, and claims she has never seen them before in her life. They must have been hand-me downs.

Norma riding in Rendezvous. What a wonderful lady!

Diamond loved to drink out of the hose. I remember Tracy giving him something in a pop bottle . Barrie said it was grape soda.


Barrie left Kasy here about 8:30 this morning and went out to take care of her dogs. Kasey and I hung out for a while, then she laid down for a nap. Barrie came back before she woke up. I made us lunch, actually something that was fit to eat for a change - a tuna noodle casserole. Kasey ate like a horse, so I guess she liked it too.

She ate with a spoon today. She couldn't really get the food on it, but when Barrie got it ready, Kasey took it and put it in her mouth. And I have figured out at least the basics of the camcorder, so was able to film it.

The kitten didn't stay downstairs much to play with Kasey today. He has really mastered the steps, and goes up and down as he pleases.

Kasey found a little Santa on a shelf in the dining room. She walks around with him, saying "Ho Ho Ho!"

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