Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Leaves

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Here are the small studies of fall leaves I just finished. This was fun to do, and I believe I will do some small sky/cloud studies next.

I managed to get quite a few slides scanned yesterday while Kasey was here. I'm not sure where this was taken.


I ordered four more books for Kasey on last night. I love that place! In some ways it is better than browsing in a real book store. They have recommendations for you based on what you have purchased in the past, and you can shop in your pajamas! It can't replace just browsing through real books and taking them off the shelves and looking through them - but it's a great way to shop. And they have moved into so many areas, like electronics, photography, and just about anything you want.

I ordered some oldies for Kasey - "Where the Wild Things Are", "The Poky Little Puppy", and "Cordurory". Those books have been popular for children for many years.

I don't usually like stories or songs that someone has messed with and redone. When I watched the opening game of the World Series the other night, I couldn't believe how that group slaughtered "The Star Spangled Banner". It was terrible!

Hmmm - a year ago, I watched the Rockies play the opening game of the series on a big screen TV in a sports bar in Denver. Paul and Tracy and I flew to California the next morning.

I finally got my little digital camcorder back last night. I had loaned it to someone. I wasn't fast enough to catch the "Kodak" moments yesterday with Kasey and the kitten. Maybe I can figure the camcorder out and get something good.


Lynn, after seeing the pictures of the Arrowhead house, I have to tell you I think I like it better than the other one. You didn't say - do you have a nice view of the mountains?

And Judi, yes, the pictures are uploading just the opposite of what they used to. Also, I believe you gave Kasey the "Five Little Monkeys" book. She loves that one, and reads it to herself. She jabbers all the time - we just aren't sure which language she is using!

1 comment:

  1. You touched a nerve about The Star Spangled Banner. Whatever happened to the wonderful, emotional times when everyone in the crowd of 1000, or 100,000 sang it together? When I grew up, that's what we did. Not this one-man show stuff. JAM
