Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Frayed Knot

A rope went into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender said, "We don’t serve your kind here."So, the rope went outside, rubbed and rubbed himself on the sidewalk,and tied himself into a knot.

Then the rope went back into the bar and again ordered a drink. The bartender said, "Aren’t you the same rope that I refused to serve before?"The rope answered, "No, I’m afraid not.


Sorry, but I am kind of bored today could not resist posting this joke when I actually found a photograph on the internet of a "frayed knot".


Barrie took Kasey to the library yesterday for some of the kids' activities and to see Santa. She said it didn't work out very well. Kasey had a meltdown when she saw Santa, and cried, hid her face and clung to Barrie. Well, maybe next year.


The sepia tone pencil drawing of the Indian is not going well. My photo reference is a very stern looking man from an Edward Curtis photo. But my Indian has a "Mona Lisa Smile", I kid you not. He also almost has a twinkle in his eye. Maybe I need to put it away for a while


  1. Myaybe you see the real deal not the way curtis portrayed them.

  2. I think I might have to agree with "nanny." Makes you think that the Indian got the better deal than Curtis this time.

    I'm afraid not ... ::giggle:: Actually that is pretty much the way I feel after today!


  3. Hey Duane! Scott says he gets this joke.. ha ha....but he still doesn't get the "Duane the bathtub I'm dwown'in" joke!

