Saturday, December 13, 2008


It seems like everyone is having spells of bad luck! Lynn and Joe have a bad furnace, Lynn's daughter had a tree blow down, and Rulands have had vehicle problems.

Last night, Barrie had a wreck downtown. She was making a left hand turn, and was meeting a pickup making a left hand turn. The lights were bright on the pickup she was meeting, and she didn't see the little white car coming. So she made her left turn and and got hit. Kasey wasn't with her at the time. It must have looked pretty bad - the shell camper was knocked off her pickup, and both dogs thrown out. She had two big buckets of water that spilled all over, so the fire department thought it was gas spilled on the road. One dog ran off, and it took Barrie, Kelly, and their Dad a while to find him.

Barrie is driving one of her Dad's trucks today, both dogs are OK, and her Dad says her truck is "fixable". He is working on it.

Barrie and Kasey were here this afternoon. My grandaughter is so advanced for her age! She is only 18 months old, but was acting like a "terrible two-year old" today. She defied her mom several times, tried to jerk a book from me, pulled the cat's tail, and I'm not sure what else. Barrie believes in discipline, and makes her mind. "Time Out" is pretty effective, but Kasey was full of it today.

I fixed us supper, and have decided I either have to quit cooking or get better at it.

This game is called "Kill the Bed".

Kelly (Barrie's sister") sent me this picture of Barrie and Kasey in the hospital when she was born. Kelly had titled the photo "Mom Glow", and she's right. Barrie is glowing.

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