Monday, April 20, 2009


I packed my new chair upstairs today from the basement (two flights of stairs). I opened the carton and brought it up a few pieces at a time, and it took me four trips. While making trips to bring up the chair parts, I also took down stacks of quilt fabric I had in the dresser drawer upstairs. It's time to clean dresser drawers, and maybe get that drawer in Barrie's dresser cleaned out for her.

It was really quite easy to assemble the chair and it's much more comfortable than the old one. I am sitting in it right now, typing my blog on the laptop computer.

I'll have to keep experimenting with the adjustments until I get it to suit me.

Every time I write that it is beautiful day with no wind, I am soon proven a liar. Seems the wind comes up every day. I don't think the wind blows as hard at my house as it does up on the top of the hill or out of town where it's flat.

I did a little bit of work on a watercolor painting today, but didn't get much done. I spent too much time on the chair.

I finished a book last night, "One Thousand White Women". I enjoyed it, and and am wondering what I should start next. I don't use the library as much as I should. But I always check out more than one book and sometimes don't get them finished in two weeks.

Lynn, I really enjoyed your photos of the Beartooth Highway. My college roomate's parents had a ranch near Belfry, and I remember some wonderful times in that area.

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