Tuesday, April 21, 2009


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This is about the most exciting thing happening around here today. The cat started playing with Barries old tennis shoes. She had her head stuck way down inside, but I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch it. Kat is going to the vet this afternoon to get her stitches out and finish up her shots.

These are old, old books that belonged to my grandmother. They were all published in the late 1800's. There are poems of Tennyson, Whittier and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. There is a book of Grimm's German Household Stories, and the book Lorna Doone. The first few pages of Lorna Doone are missing, so I don't know when it was published, but it is very old. There is also a newer one, published in 1939 with a collection of poetry.

I remember my grandmother loved poetry, and always thought I should read more of it. Now that I have her old books, I really should read some of them.

I have made myself stay downstairs this morning. I got caught up on bills and reconciled my bank statement, and sorted through some old photos. There are some old photos in my albums I should scan, but I get discouraged scanning them. Until I got a 35mm camera, they were all taken with a cheap little Kodak Instamatic, and aren't very good quality. I didn't get a good camera until Barrie was about four.

Kasey went with Barrie to feed dogs last night, and Barrie took her out and walked her around the dogs and let her pet some of them. She came home so excited and jabbered and chattered about all the dogs.

1 comment:

  1. and I thought Lorna Doone was just a cookie. JAM
