Saturday, June 20, 2009


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Several years ago I bought Paul and Tracy a squirrel proof bird feeder. They have lots of the little Pine Squirrels, and they got into the feeders. She sent me this picture yesterday. This squirrel somehow got clear inside the wire around the feeder and was enjoying the bird seed

The View from my Window

This is the view from my window yesterday morning. Barrie attacked the willow bush with the loppers and got rid of it.

This is the view now. I can actually see down the ditchbank. The Caragana bush will be the next to go, and there is a fairly small cottonwood tree in the corner that has to go.

I found my sprayer and my weed eater this morning. I couldn't believe the sprayer still had some Roundup in it. and that it worked. It is one of those pump-up kinds. I got a few weeds sprayed, I am a little better at doing yard work this summer than I was last year, but the place is just an overgrown jungle and I get discouraged. So quit and come in the house and paint.

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