Sunday, June 21, 2009


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Whiskey Art

Several members of the art group have been experimenting with "whiskey art", which Vicky told us about and showed us what she had done. Judi had done several and was very disappointed in them until she put finishing touches on them with pen and ink. They suddenly became "works of art" and something she should be proud of. So I decided to try it again and used pen and ink as a finishing touch. This is not as nice as hers, but I was happy with it. It's about 5" x 7". I will try it again, but will reverse the photo before printing it, as gets reversed when you lay it ink side down on your water color paper.

I should say mine is "vodka art", as there is no whiskey in the house!


I see in the paper that Ridley's has finally been issued citations from the town of Pinedale and has paid some fines. Residents have complained about the appearance of the store and all the trash that was accumulating. The article stated they have been issuing warnings for six months, and that Ridley's essentially ignored them. So it will be interesting to see if they actually clean up the place. Now if there was only a way to make them do something about the interior of the store!

I woke up at 4:00 this morning, finally got up and took one Tylenol PM. ( I thought) I remember thinking, as I dozed off, how well they work. I slept until almost 10:00 this morning, and saw the pill on the counter in the bathroom. I had gotten it out and then stumbled back to bed without taking it!! Oh, the power of suggestion!

I plan on finishing a watercolor this afternoon of some old mailboxes with an old house on the hill behind them. As usual, I am having problems with my values.

I'm sure this is Fremont Lake, but am not sure when or where I took it. It was one of the slides I scanned


  1. Oh Duene..I love your sleeping pill story...I could soo do that!

  2. Your Vodka art is great, especially the trees. Fun, too! JAM
