Monday, August 3, 2009

Love of Pen and Ink

I got the urge to get my Koh-i-noor pens out last night, and filled two of them with drawing ink. I had cleaned them some time ago and have not done any ink drawing lately. I have missed it. There is something very relaxing about drawing with those super-fine points, especially stippling. I didn't really start anything, just some quick marks in a little sketch book.

Click on images for a larger view
This is one I started several years ago, but never finished. Now that I look at it again, I may just call it "finished". I'm not sure it needs any more.

I don't remember when I did this ink "pointillism" drawing of a bull elk. I think it is about 9" x 12". It must have sold, because I don't have it any more, but I did have a picture of it on a slide.
Well, this is exactly what I don't need to do. When I have at least a dozen unfinished projects, I get the urge to do a pen and ink.
I finally got the file sharing set up on the new computer. With three computers on the home network, it is starting to get confusing!! It's almost time to move the new computer to the computer room and hook it up to the wireless router, and hope it will make the transition without goofing anything up. I'm hoping the little USB wireless adapter will work on the old desktop, so I can retrieve any files I am forgetting.

I find this interesting from today in history:
1983 - It was designated that the third Monday of January would be a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wyoming does not recognize Martin Luther King Day, but we do have "Chris LeDoux day", which is in June.

Hmmmm. Looks like I have to eat my words about MLK Day. Wyoming's Legislature approved a bill honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. with a holiday after debating the issue for seven years. I'm not real sure when this happened, but I know Wyoming was one of the last states to recognize that day as a holiday.


  1. These pen & inks could hang in any gallery in the world. Your mastery of this media is astounding. The world is a better place for your pen & inks. Don't ever put this media to the side. Shall I go on? JAM
