Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Went to art group at Rendezvous Pointe this morning. It was great to have Pam back! Cindi brought us some fresh peaches for treats, and Vicky brought cookies.

I packed up all my supplies to work on the cat painting, forgetting that it was video day, so I didn't paint at all. I did doodle a little bit with pen and ink on a "whiskey art" of a windmill.

I made ten more cards yesterday, using photographs I have taken. I like them, but I like the ones done with my art work better. I guess I will get a bunch of cards printed, and put in packs of 10 or so, then decide what I should do with them later.

I did this stippled ink drawing of a chickadee yesterday. It is quite small, only about 5" x 7". It felt so good to use the pens again. At first my pen didn't want to keep flowing, I guess because it hasn't been used for so long. But it is working fine now. I have another small one of a mountain sheep started. I have enjoyed playing with the oils, and I love watercolor, but once in a while I just have to have a pencil or pen to play with!!

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