Saturday, October 31, 2009


i don't have any new pictures to post today, so am putting up a little clipart thing I have. I like the idea!

I got all the October pictures from my Canon 20D copied onto the hard drives of both computers, and formatted the card. Haven't done the little compact Canon yet.

Barrie went out to run her dogs early this morning. I wondered if Kasey was ever going to wake up! I finally woke her up about 10:15, and we had eggs and waffles for breakfast. Kasey took one bite of egg, about three bites of her waffle, and was done. Yesterday she ate two eggs, two pieces of sausage and toast, and wanted more. Must be my cooking.

Don't ask me why, but I started two new watercolors today. They are both on the back of something that I ruined. After I ruin these, I can throw both pieces of paper away!

It really doesn't bother me much to throw away a painting. I just consider it more practice that was unsuccessful, and I have learned something from it.

At midnight, I am allowed to start writing on the "novel". You can do outlines and character development and plots ahead of time, but you are not supposed to start actual writing until November 1. When you reach 50,000 words, you send your document into NaNoWriMo, and they have some "robot" to count the words. If have 50,000, you are a winner! No, not any real prizes, and no one even reads it. In theory, you could type "boo" 50,000 times and be a winner.

I wonder how long I'll last on this.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the writing. What a challenge! JAM
