Sunday, November 1, 2009


This pretty well shows what happened at our house today.  Barrie and Kasey have been busier than I have, however.

Barrie took Kasey trick or treating last night in her unicorn costume.  Kasey loved it.  At one time she told her mom that her stomach hurt, but she never fussed, but kept right on trucking along and saying "trick or treat".  When Barrie got her home, she had to strip her down, put her in the tub, and start the washing machine for her clothes.  What a trouper that little kid is! 

Kasey slept really late and didn't eat any breakfast yesterday.  Guess it wasn't my cooking after all.  Today she is her old self, and had sausage and eggs and two pieces of toast for breakfast. Barrie thought she might have had too much candy, so her new candy has been put up for now.

Barrie brought her dad's dogs up here and has been combing the mats out of their hair this afternoon. 

I stayed up way too late last night, writing.  At midnight, alll the particpants in the NaNoWriMo were to start writing on their "novel".  I think I am just writing a bunch of gibberish, but at least I'm getting words down, and that is the point of the whole thing.  Some guy who lives in Atlantic City is writing by hand by kerosene light in his cabin. He is able to post to the forums on the internet, so don't know if he is using a computer somewhere else, or if he really doesn't have electricity. 

I think reaching the 50,000 word goal is beyond me, but it's fun for now.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Duene...I never did sign up...but had a couple ideas to at least start with. We're cowboying for a while, and I know I just can't get it done. But having said that..."Go Duene!"
