Friday, July 2, 2010


I noticed a couple of humming birds flitting around in the pine tree in front of my house. They were checking out the feeder, which hadn't been filled yet. I got one of them filled this morning, the one at my upstairs window. Still need to fill the one on the front porch.

Photo from a couple of years ago taken at the Fremont Lake Campground. I haven't even been up there yet this summer to see if they made all the changes they had planned.

I took this picture of columbine by my front porch a couple years ago and did a fancy frame for it in Photoshop. I don't have any columbine left. Don't know why it doesn't grow in my yard.
I have everything out on the kitchen counter to make my biscuit mix. I mix up a big batch and keep it in the kitchen cupboard. Just like Bisquick. I'm going to make corn fritters today too. Feeling adventurous, I guess.
I had a pork roast the other day and was going to try to make pulled pork. I've never done that before.
What happens when you play a country song backwards? You sober up, you get your wife back, you find your dog, your truck gets fixed, and you get rehired by the boss man.

1 comment:

  1. Some very nice photos today.

    Sorry about your allergy to Chloe, she seems to be a great cat.
    At least Kasey can enjoy her to pet, and get some loving back instead of growling even though Kat doesn't mean it.
