Saturday, July 3, 2010


I still have a few silly photos I downloaded from the Internet. As I don't have any new pictures, I might as well post them. The second two are "construction mistakes."

Barrie has been looking for her phone since yesterday. She just now took a load of clothes out of the washer to put in the dryer, and sure enough, there it was. She said she checked the pockets of those clothes yesterday, and the phone wasn't there. Hmmm, I think maybe the "Bandysnatchers" did it. Well, the phone is clean, at least. Dead, maybe, but clean.

It was cool today. In fact, I finally closed most of the windows in my upstairs room.

I downloaded some more Sawyer Brown songs for my iPod today.

Now playing on XM radio: "That Ain't My Truck."

New book I am starting tonight, recommended by Stoney Vance, a former kindergarten student: "A Bride in the Bargain."

1 comment:

  1. I have lost a lot of phones (found most of them). I even buried one when I was planting trees, but I have never washed one.

    My wife and me saw Saywer Brwon when he was just starting out. He was opening act for Lee Greenwood back in the Early 1980's
