Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday July 4th

Now playing on my iPod - "Superman 14" Kevin Coster and Modern West.

A picture from my past, W A Y past. I floated the Snake with some friends from Jackson. We are in the Lunch Counter Rapids here, and the photographer who is always there on the shore took this picture.

Leslie, my step daughter, sent me this picture she took of her living room with the quilt I made her. She has two of my drawings on the wall.

Hungry babies.


I borrowed Barrie's break-up boots this morning and waded into the back yard to cut some rhubarb. As long as the dehydrator is out I thought I'd make some fruit leather. Barrie's Grandma Myrtle used to make it all the time in her oven. I don't even like it, so I've never made it before. I'm counting on Kasey to eat it.

I guess Barrie liked the beef jerky I made last week. She brought home a 3 lb. beef roast yesterday.

I e-mailed my niece in Arkansas yesterday. Tracy told me she was going to ask them for some of Tyler's jerky. (Teri's son). So I wrote and asked if Tyler shared his recipe. I't sure he used venison, but maybe he puts something special in the marinade I need to know about!


  1. It is a cute picture of you on the raft. I had to blow it up to find you. The guy in front with shades looks like one of those Ghostbuster guys.
    You are so funny trying out your fruit jerky on Kasey. Reminds me of that ad about "Mikie likes it!"

  2. We did the river ride 1990, and an interesting side note. The guy who sat there and took pictures, had homeing pigeons that took the film back to be developed, and the pictures were there when you got back, so of course, you bought them!
