Tuesday, July 6, 2010


(Now playing on my iPod -"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown, Jim Croce.)

Barrie and Kasey and I sat in camp chairs in Ridley's parking lot to watch the fireworks. Kasey loved them. We were next to some guys who kept saying things like "Hallelujah", "Awesome" and "God Bless America." Refreshing. And another positive thing - Ridley's actually turned off their huge floodlights on the front of the store. OK, I won't bash Ridleys today.

After the fireworks, we went up to Chuck's place to check on Lucky (the mustang). He was fine. Kasey and I were waiting in the pickup, and Sunny, Kathy and Chuck all came out. Sunny had her laptop computer. They had found four baby racoons in the shed, and Sunny had pictures of them on her computer. Maybe she'll send me some. Chuck said they were all trying to sleep together in a hard hat. They had kind of outgrown it, and he got a washtub for them.

Old pictures. At least it seems a long time ago. The top picture shows what my upstairs room looked like without a roof. It took a lot of tarps to cover that, and to me, it looked like I would never have a room up there.

But Dave worked wonders. The bottom photo was taken from almost the same location.

I just got a 3 lb. roast sliced, marinated, and in the dehydrator for beef jerky. The first batch I sliced a little too thin. I'm afraid part of this is too thick. I even have an electric slicer in the basement, but didn't want to bother bringing it up.


My sick sense of humor again, but this picture makes me giggle.


  1. Santa getting hit by that plane must be the reason I didn't receive any presents. Darn!!!rwm

  2. That is soooooooooo funny!!!
