Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Sunny sent me two pictures of the baby raccoons in their shed today. The fourth one is in the bottom of the hard hat. Aren't they cute? Thanks for sharing the pictures, Sunny.

Barrie worked late today, so I picked up Kasey from Julie's. When she saw me, she yelled "Grandma!" and ran to me with her arms out for a hug. Can't beat that!

When we drove home, she looked over at Beau's nursery and said "That's where we buy flowers." So guess what we did. Kasey had three quarters in her hand, and I held the real money. Claire was there, and we had a good visit. Kasey picked out some moss rose.

Claire said Kasey and Maria (Beau's little girl) need to get together for some play time.

When we got home, Kasey and I had some of the fruit leather I made, then came upstairs. She colored for a while, tried to play with Kat, then got some books.


Ever seen this on Facebook?

Friends Online
No one is here.


Saw this on the news last week:

Reuters - A drunk driver trapped after overturning his car cracked open another can of beer while he waited for emergency crews to rescue him, a New Zealand court was told.


  1. If you get a raccoon when they are small, you can make a great pet out of it. They are so funny. They love to tease you and they are very loving.
    We had one that like to eat my mothers plants, but he like to tease her also. We had 3 foot long planters inside full of plants. He would go to the stand up on his hind legs and start to reach into the planter and then look over at my mother and wait for her to yell at him to stop. He would pull his paw back and wait a little bit, then start to reach in again and look back at mom and wait for her to yell at him again.
    They always want to wash their food. He learned to turn the water tap in the bathtub off and on. So for a bit of humor we would give him some dried bread. I don't think he ever figured out what happened to the bread when he would try and wash it.

    Kasey looks so intent on her book, she is so cute.

  2. You didn't tell me Barrie got a job! Where is she working?
