Friday, July 16, 2010


There's a good crop of daisies growing in the bottom corner of my yard. They are growing among a stand of quakie trees. It's really wet and shady there, and they seem to like it.

I had to do some emergency shopping at Ridley's - out of cat litter. Barrie thinks I should just kick the cat outside. Somehow, I don't think I could do that. She sounds so pititful if she's alone on the front porch for just a moment. She's sure clingy for a cat who won't even let us pet her.

For some reason, I started reading a book yesterday that I've read before - Billie Letts "Shoot the Moon." It's been a long time since I read it, and couldn't remember it very well. I sure like her writing. The first book I read of hers was "Where the Heart Is" - about the girl who had a baby in the Wal-Mart store. I got that book because I read in the Wyoming news that a bunch of parents up in Powell or someplace were upset because the book was in their middle school library, and they wanted it taken out. I'm sure everyone who read that news article went out and bought the book!

I have been listening to 80's and 90's music on XM radio, and just changed to a channel that plays country and western from the 60's and 70's. I've listened to the Elvis channel, but can't listen to that all day. I like the classical music channels too, once in a while. How about Grateful Dead, or Margaritaville?


  1. Beautiful corner of your yard, but I'm beginning to wonder how many different corners your yard has! Every one is lovlier than the one before. Oh, those odd-shaped parcels.

  2. Actually, my yard has a fence that separates the front yard from the back, so I guess that makes lots of corners. Also, the little flat part right in front with the cinderblock retaining wall is kind of separate too.

  3. I vote with Barrie. Then maybe when you let her in she will be more loving like a good cat should be.
    Kind of like when you got back from your trip
