Sunday, July 18, 2010

The jungle

Now playing on XM radio - Hank Williams Jr. "There's a Tear in My Beer."

My brother and his wife are going to be here tonight, and will be in their big motor home. Barrie decided today that the chokecherry bushes had grown so much and were hanging down so low that Bill wouldn't be able to park in the driveway. So she got out her loppers and did some trimming.

Another job Barrie has put on her list is cutting a couple of big branches out of the pine tree. The biggest one has grown out over the carport. There's a garage in there someplace.

Don't laugh, but this is asparagus. I planted about a dozen plants years ago, and they are still there, down by the driveway. They get about 6 feet tall.

I think my peony bush got frosted this spring, as it is only going to have about 7 or 8 blooms on it. It is usually covered.

The vines Barrie cut to the ground are growing. Should take a picture of them.


  1. Don't back that trailer up! I am going to sneak over to your place next May!

  2. You should look into anchoring that block wall. It is starting to seperate from the right angle wall.
    Looks dangerous
